
Tuesday 24 April 2012

FRESH FLOWERS: Arts & Crafts time...

Several months ago I sat down with Becca Gilmartin, the fabulously talented makeup and body artist, to have a brainstorm session with her. A particular brand had approached me about wanting me to create some unusual pictures and I thought it would be fun to incorporate her body art. We set a challenge to try and create movement within the visual illusion which we hadn't seen in body art photography before. So up we got at the crack of dawn to buy some fresh flowers, then back to the studio to paint the lovely Liliane Pearl who generously lent us her lovely long limbs. We started by painting her blue, then Becca etched this beautiful tree on her back with branches extending from each human arm. We then created a cap made out of real petals and proceeded to photograph Liliane holding the flowers from different angles whilst a wind machine blew the petals to create the movement. The final result is the visual puzzle you see before you. We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it. Sometimes it's fun to step away from the world of fashion!

PS: The birdy on the shoulder is real, courtesy of the pet shop!